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Enable the Chrome Enterprise Device Trust Connector attestation flow for a list of URLs
Last updated October 8, 2024

This policy is deprecated and has been split into BrowserContextAwareAccessSignalsAllowlist, UserContextAwareAccessSignalsAllowlist and DeviceLoginScreenContextAwareAccessSignalsAllowlist. Enable Chrome Enterprise Device Trust Connector for a list of URLs. Setting this policy specifies for which URLs Google Chrome will offer to start the attestation flow. The latter allows those websites to get an attested set of context-aware signals from the device. Leaving this policy unset or empty means that no website will be able to start the attestation flow nor get signals from the device. For Google ChromeOS, this policy is related to remote attestation where a certificate is automatically generated and uploaded to the server. For usage of the attestation flow on the device's login screen, please use the DeviceLoginScreenContextAwareAccessSignalsAllowlist policy. For detailed information on valid URL patterns, please see https://support.google.com/chrome/a?p=url_blocklist_filter_format.

Supported On:
Platform Start End
ChromeOS 108 120
Chrome (Mac) 109 120
chrome.win 108 120
Chrome (Linux) 108 120
Example value:

