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Allows you to set a list of url patterns that specify sites which are allowed to set cookies.
URL patterns may be a single URL indicating that the site may use cookies on all top-level sites.
Patterns may also be two URLs delimited by a comma. The first specifies the site that should be allowed to use cookies. The second specifies the top-level site that the first value should be applied on.
If you use a pair of URLs, the first value in the pair supports * but the second value does not. Using * for the first value indicates that all sites may use cookies when the second URL is the top-level site.
If this policy is left not set the global default value will be used for all sites either from the DefaultCookiesSetting or BlockThirdPartyCookies policies if they are set, or the user's personal configuration otherwise.
See also policies CookiesBlockedForUrls and CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls. Note that there must be no conflicting URL patterns between these three policies - it is unspecified which policy takes precedence.
For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.