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Configures the device-level screensaver for the login screen.
If this policy is set to true, the Google ChromeOS device will show a screensaver when it is idle in the login screen.
If this policy is set to false, or unset, the screensaver will not be displayed in the login screen.
The device screensaver displays the images referenced by the DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenImages policy. If DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenImages is unset, or it is set to an empty list, or to a list without any valid images, the screensaver for the login screen will not be displayed.
The idle timeout to start the screensaver, and the interval that an image is displayed can be modified with the DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenIdleTimeoutSeconds, and the DeviceScreensaverLoginScreenDisplayIntervalSeconds policies respectively. If any of these policies are unset, their default values will be use instead.