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This policy defines a list of percentages that will define the fraction of Google ChromeOS devices in the OU to update per day starting from the day the update is first discovered. The discovery time is later than the update published time, since it could be a while after the update publishing until the device checks for updates.
Each (day, percentage) pair contains which percentage of the fleet has to be updated by the given number of days since the update has been discovered. For example, if we have the pairs [(4, 40), (10, 70), (15, 100)], then 40% of the fleet should have been updated 4 days after seeing the update. 70% should be updated after 10 days, and so on.
If there is a value defined for this policy, updates will ignore the DeviceUpdateScatterFactor policy and follow this policy instead.
If this list is empty, there will be no staging and updates will be applied according to other device policies.
This policy does not apply for channel switches.