<- Chrome Settings Library


Block JavaScript optimizations on these sites
Last updated January 14, 2025

Allows you to set a list of site url patterns that specify sites for which advanced JavaScript optimizations are disabled. Disabling JavaScript optimizations will mean that <ph name="PRODUCT_NAME"> $1<ex>Google Chrome</ex></ph> may render web content more slowly. For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see https://cloud.google.com/docs/chrome-enterprise/policies/url-patterns. Wildcards, *, are allowed. JavaScript optimization policy exceptions will only be enforced at a site granularity (eTLD+1). A policy set for only subdomain.site.com will not correctly apply to site.com or subdomain.site.com since they both resolve to the same eTLD+1 (site.com) for which there is no policy. In this case, policy must be set on site.com to apply correctly for both site.com and subdomain.site.com. This policy applies on a frame-by-frame basis and not based on top level origin url alone, so e.g. if site-one.com is listed in the <ph name="JAVA_SCRIPT_OPTIMIZER_BLOCKED_FOR_SITES_POLICY_NAME"> JavaScriptOptimizerBlockedForSites</ph> policy but site-one.com loads a frame containing site-two.com then site-one.com will have JavaScript optimizations disabled, but site-two.com will use the policy from <ph name="DEFAULT_JAVA_SCRIPT_OPTIMIZER_SETTING_POLICY_NAME"> DefaultJavaScriptOptimizerSetting</ph>, if set, or default to JavaScript optimizations enabled. Blocklist entries have higher priority than allowlist entries, which in turn have higher priority than the configured default value. If this policy is not set for a site then the policy from <ph name="DEFAULT_JAVA_SCRIPT_OPTIMIZER_SETTING_POLICY_NAME"> DefaultJavaScriptOptimizerSetting</ph> applies to the site, if set, otherwise JavaScript optimization is enabled for the site.

Supported On:
Platform Start End
Android 133
Fuchsia 133
Chrome (Windows, Mac, Linux) 133
ChromeOS 133
Example value:

