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List of Google Chrome Enterprise Connectors services settings to be applied to the Google Chrome.
The url_list, tags, enable and disable fields are used to determine if the connector should send data for analysis when printing is triggered on a specific page and what tags to include in the analysis request. The analysis occurs if at least 1 tag is to be included in the request.
The service_provider field identifies which analysis service provider the settings correspond to.
The Google Chrome will wait to get a response from the analysis service before allowing the print preview dialog to be shown for the printed page. Any other integer value means Google Chrome shows the print preview dialog immediately.
The Google Chrome will block the page from printing if an error occurs while communicating with the analysis service. Any other value means Google Chrome allows the page to be printed.
The Google Chrome blocks or allows files/pages that are too large to be analyzed.
The require_justification_tags field is used to determine for which tags the connector should require the user to enter a justification to bypass a scan that results in a bypassable warning. If the field is not set, it's assumed that a justification is not required.
The custom_messages, message, learn_more_url, language and tag fields are used to configure a message to show the user when a warning is shown after a scan had a non-clean verdict. The administrator is able to configure messages of up to 200 characters.
This policy requires additional setup to take effect, please visit for more information.
Supported On:
Chrome (Windows, Mac, Linux)
Example value:
{"0":{"enable":{"0":{"tags":{"0":"dlp"},"url_list":{"0":"*","1":"*"}}},"disable":{"0":{"tags":{"0":"dlp"},"url_list":{"0":"*"}}},"verification":{"mac":{"0":"key"},"linux":{"0":"key"},"windows":{"0":"key"}},"default_action":"allow","custom_messages":{"0":{"tag":"dlp","message":"Custom message for potential sensitive data leaks.","language":"default","learn_more_url":""},"1":{"tag":"dlp","message":"Message pour une fuite de données potentielle.","language":"fr-CA","learn_more_url":""}},"service_provider":"google","block_large_files":true,"block_until_verdict":0,"require_justification_tags":{"0":"dlp"}}}