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This policy controls the behavior of the browser after a managed account signs into the content area.
This policy overrides ManagedAccountsSigninRestriction.
If this policy is set to Suggested, after a managed account sign in, the user will be be asked to continue using a managed profile as if it was enforced. If they refuse, the user may continue their browsing in an unmanaged environment.
If this policy is set to Enforced, after a managed account sign in, the user will be required to continue using a managed profile. If they refuse, they will be signed out of their account. This enforcement is not affected by the SigninInterceptionEnabled policy.
If this policy is set to Disabled or unset, after a managed account sign in, the user may see a bubble asking them to create a new profile. The bubble can be dismissed and the user may continue their browsing in an unmanaged environment. The bubble is controlled by the SigninInterceptionEnabled policy.
This policy has no effect when set on a machine level.