<- Chrome Settings Library


Allow detecting plain text entities in web pages.
Last updated October 8, 2024

This policy decides if plain text entities are detected on webpages, letting users trigger contextual actions by interacting with them. The policy has multiple properties, one for each entity type. The entity types are default, addresses ... . If the value for an entity is unset, the behavior of the default entity is applied. The default behavior for default is enabled. The values for each entity types are default, enabled, disabled or longpressonly. If the value is set to default, the behavior of the default entity is applied. If the value is set to enabled, entities are detected, underlines and triggered either by one tap or long press. If the value is set to disabled, entities are not detected and not actionable. If the value is set to longpressonly, entities are detected and only actionable using long press.

Supported On:
Platform Start End
iOS 123
Example value:

